So IOS and I got into an argument long time ago with Dolph and Katua, and so far it was settled with them both in Low Mid. I don't really agree with this.
Compare these two to many of the Lower Mid tier units. The best here is Paola, who is currently under Katua. But look at the differences at 20/1 (Pegasus Knight -> Sniper):
Paola - 37.2 HP | 16.6 Str | 1.0 Mag | 19.4 Skl | 18.0 Spd | 6.2 Luck | 13.0 Def | 4.2 Res
Katua - 38.2 HP | 16.6 Str | 1.0 Mag | 22.6 Skl | 22.0 Spd | 13.8 Luck | 14.2 Def | 3.9 Res
Easily a tier difference already. 22 Spd alone is doubling all Paladins and doubling the vast majority of C21's DracoKnights. With Katua's 70% Spd growth, expect her to double C22's DracoKnights and Pegasi as well. Easily a tier difference.
Of course I usually argue 10/1, though this is to give you an example. So the question is if Paola is that much better than Katua when they both arrive? Well...
10 Paola - 23.2 HP | 8.1 Str | 2.0 Mag | 9.4 Skl | 13.5 Spd | 5.2 Luck | 8.5 Def | 6.2 Res
7 Katua - 21.2 HP | 6.9 Str | 2 Mag | 8.6 Skl | 14.3 Spd | 7.8 Luck | 8.5 Def | 6.1 Res
So this is C15. At first, you'd say Paola would win. Yeah, you're right. But look at her Javelin Atk: 16. Lowest Mage durability is 24 HP | 3 Def. So Paola CAN ORKO these guys. Her only worries are the Mages with 25 HP | 4 Def or the Bishops. So I'd say Paola wins so far.
Go to C17. 10/1 for Katua, 13/1 for Paola.
Paola - 33.0 HP | 12.8 Str | 1.0 Mag | 14.5 Skl | 16.25 Spd | 5.5 Luck | 11.3 Def | 3.5 Res
Katua - 31.0 HP | 11.25 Str | 1.0 Mag | 14.0 Skl | 18.25 Spd | 9.0 Luck | 11.25 Def | 3.25 Res
Now Paola does win Str by 2, but Katua also wins AS by 2. Now for this chapter... it doesn't make much of a difference. So at this point it's a tie. So zoom to C18 where they get roughly 2 more levels.
Paola - 34.4 HP | 13.9 Str | 15.9 Skl | 16.85 Spd | 5.7 Luck | 11.8 Def | 3.5 Res
Katua - 32.4 HP | 12.15 Str | 15.6 Skl | 19.65 Spd | 9.8 Luck | 11.75 Def | 3.25 Res
Now does it matter? Well, Katua is likely to have 20 AS by this point and Paola with 17. Katua can actually double the Paladins who sit on 16 AS. In C19, assuming she solidified her 20 AS, she can double 2/3 Mercenaries, prevent being doubled by the 23 AS Theif, and the Hunters. Also BB: That Sniper doesn't have 28 AS lol. It should be painfully obvious what happens in C20: Katua easily doubles the Paladins while Paola... is struggling. Bad. C21, assuming she can get about 3 levels here she has the capability of being able to double the DracoKnights here. It's possible she could miss out on the C22 DracoKnights and Pegasi, but she still is beating her badly in C21.
So Paola gets a minor win between her starting chapter and 16, roughly tie by C17-17X, then suddenly C18 turns toward Katua's favor, almost to the point of having a tier difference IMO.
I don't think I really need to outline this with Dolph since it should be obvious here. IMO the capabilities of Katua doubling more enemies than Paola should solidfy Katua a tier above Paola.
Sorry if I don't make a lot of sense...
Compare these two to many of the Lower Mid tier units. The best here is Paola, who is currently under Katua. But look at the differences at 20/1 (Pegasus Knight -> Sniper):
Paola - 37.2 HP | 16.6 Str | 1.0 Mag | 19.4 Skl | 18.0 Spd | 6.2 Luck | 13.0 Def | 4.2 Res
Katua - 38.2 HP | 16.6 Str | 1.0 Mag | 22.6 Skl | 22.0 Spd | 13.8 Luck | 14.2 Def | 3.9 Res
Easily a tier difference already. 22 Spd alone is doubling all Paladins and doubling the vast majority of C21's DracoKnights. With Katua's 70% Spd growth, expect her to double C22's DracoKnights and Pegasi as well. Easily a tier difference.
Of course I usually argue 10/1, though this is to give you an example. So the question is if Paola is that much better than Katua when they both arrive? Well...
10 Paola - 23.2 HP | 8.1 Str | 2.0 Mag | 9.4 Skl | 13.5 Spd | 5.2 Luck | 8.5 Def | 6.2 Res
7 Katua - 21.2 HP | 6.9 Str | 2 Mag | 8.6 Skl | 14.3 Spd | 7.8 Luck | 8.5 Def | 6.1 Res
So this is C15. At first, you'd say Paola would win. Yeah, you're right. But look at her Javelin Atk: 16. Lowest Mage durability is 24 HP | 3 Def. So Paola CAN ORKO these guys. Her only worries are the Mages with 25 HP | 4 Def or the Bishops. So I'd say Paola wins so far.
Go to C17. 10/1 for Katua, 13/1 for Paola.
Paola - 33.0 HP | 12.8 Str | 1.0 Mag | 14.5 Skl | 16.25 Spd | 5.5 Luck | 11.3 Def | 3.5 Res
Katua - 31.0 HP | 11.25 Str | 1.0 Mag | 14.0 Skl | 18.25 Spd | 9.0 Luck | 11.25 Def | 3.25 Res
Now Paola does win Str by 2, but Katua also wins AS by 2. Now for this chapter... it doesn't make much of a difference. So at this point it's a tie. So zoom to C18 where they get roughly 2 more levels.
Paola - 34.4 HP | 13.9 Str | 15.9 Skl | 16.85 Spd | 5.7 Luck | 11.8 Def | 3.5 Res
Katua - 32.4 HP | 12.15 Str | 15.6 Skl | 19.65 Spd | 9.8 Luck | 11.75 Def | 3.25 Res
Now does it matter? Well, Katua is likely to have 20 AS by this point and Paola with 17. Katua can actually double the Paladins who sit on 16 AS. In C19, assuming she solidified her 20 AS, she can double 2/3 Mercenaries, prevent being doubled by the 23 AS Theif, and the Hunters. Also BB: That Sniper doesn't have 28 AS lol. It should be painfully obvious what happens in C20: Katua easily doubles the Paladins while Paola... is struggling. Bad. C21, assuming she can get about 3 levels here she has the capability of being able to double the DracoKnights here. It's possible she could miss out on the C22 DracoKnights and Pegasi, but she still is beating her badly in C21.
So Paola gets a minor win between her starting chapter and 16, roughly tie by C17-17X, then suddenly C18 turns toward Katua's favor, almost to the point of having a tier difference IMO.
I don't think I really need to outline this with Dolph since it should be obvious here. IMO the capabilities of Katua doubling more enemies than Paola should solidfy Katua a tier above Paola.
Sorry if I don't make a lot of sense...