Grandjackal on SF:
Also, Marcus is in high because up until Roy promotes, Marcus is generally better. He might not give as good a bonus to the cavs, but he also keeps up with them easier. Basically he can fill Roy's shoes when he can. By the time Roy's promotion problem hits, Marcus is feeling the bite too, but Marcus has a huge weapon selection to chose from. Slayers,reavers, ranged weapons...This on top of move.
Yeah, Marcus is great earlygame, and yeah, Marcus is probably better than Roy overall, but why is he still in high tier?
dondon151 on SF:
OK, this only tells me why Marcus > Roy, and Roy has dropped to near the bottom of upper mid. Once the enemies start getting more than like 7 AS, Marcus stops doubling forever. I can go on and on about how great it is to have a horse, but when you're like 3RKOing cavs and mercs in chapter 13x with a Silver Lance, that's bad (obviously switch to Halberd or Horseslayer on cavs but this is just for demonstrative purposes). And that Silver Lance doesn't last forever. You probably used some of it in the earlier chapters against mercs and bosses, and then you got another one in chapter 6, but you had to share that with Zealot. Silvers aren't buyable until chapter 17 on Sacae route and chapter 20 on Ilia route (by the way, Marcus really sucks in Sacae).