Lately I've seen a few users make the statement "giving unit a resource has no opportunity cost" or "does giving unit a resource have no opportunity cost?" or something similar in that vein.
Every action has an opportunity cost (i.e. there is no such thing as a free lunch). Yes, there is an opportunity cost even for the most optimal decision, and the opportunity cost of that is equivalent to the value of the next best decision, and the next best decision only. The reason for this is because the value of each succeeding less optimal decision is already included in the value of the next best decision, and counting each of them separately would involve double-counting.
For example, the opportunity cost of Sedgar going general is the value of Sedgar going hero. The opportunity cost of Merric getting the chapter 8 Master Seal is the value of Barst getting that Master Seal (assuming that Barst is second best with that promotion).
The opportunity cost of Gatrie getting the 3-3 Master Crown is the value of Titania getting that Master Crown (assuming that Titania is second best with that promotion), not the combined value of Soren getting the crown, Oscar getting the crown, Shinon getting the crown, Haar getting crown, etc. These are certainly existent costs and should probably be mentioned, but they are already encompassed in the value attributed to Titania getting the crown.
Being the most optimal decision means that you have no negative economic profit, not that you have no opportunity cost. I see a few of you throwing these words around interchangeably, but they don't mean the same thing.
Every action has an opportunity cost (i.e. there is no such thing as a free lunch). Yes, there is an opportunity cost even for the most optimal decision, and the opportunity cost of that is equivalent to the value of the next best decision, and the next best decision only. The reason for this is because the value of each succeeding less optimal decision is already included in the value of the next best decision, and counting each of them separately would involve double-counting.
For example, the opportunity cost of Sedgar going general is the value of Sedgar going hero. The opportunity cost of Merric getting the chapter 8 Master Seal is the value of Barst getting that Master Seal (assuming that Barst is second best with that promotion).
The opportunity cost of Gatrie getting the 3-3 Master Crown is the value of Titania getting that Master Crown (assuming that Titania is second best with that promotion), not the combined value of Soren getting the crown, Oscar getting the crown, Shinon getting the crown, Haar getting crown, etc. These are certainly existent costs and should probably be mentioned, but they are already encompassed in the value attributed to Titania getting the crown.
Being the most optimal decision means that you have no negative economic profit, not that you have no opportunity cost. I see a few of you throwing these words around interchangeably, but they don't mean the same thing.